Hope During a Pandemic
Daniel Choi, 6.25.2020
Catastrophe at a new decade’s dawn.
Ravaged. But US? Impenetrable.
TikTok! No need to fear. Life carries on.
Bliss. Wrapped in cocoon. All negligible.
Uh-oh. A break in the cocoon. Slumber
Cut by first appearance of light. Painful!
Harsh! Blinding! Scorching! We find a number
Of comforts in darkness. Light? Disdainful.
But to live in fear forever? Lowly
Insect peering out: cocoon is so small!
Sees sun, grass, bees, truth, love, faith, agony,
Pain, forgive… Oh, joy! Music in the hall!
Torrent of light! Burst cocoon. Flight at dawn.
We can see now, feel now - life carries on.